Usually, when you're a skincare brand that's on the up-and-up, you pull out all the stops and go all out. But for Grail, the local skincare label is eschewing the outlandish and instead, is going the way of the minimal. Co-founded by the actor, Lawrence Wong, Grail opted for a redesign in its packaging. With an even simpler logo and neutral hues on its glass bottles, not only does it emphasises the brand's ethos of simplicity, it helps it to stand out in an already saturated grooming market. We talk to Wong about the redesign and what the future is for Grail.

Grail's line-up.

It’s only been a few years since you’ve launched, why the need for a rebrand?

Grail was a passion project during Covid. It was initially launched as a skincare brand but as time passed, I decided to use Grail for a bigger purpose. I wanted to be a responsible brand that's in line with my personal lifestyle habits. Ultimately, this also reflects the current climate of environmental issues.

The rebranding aims to convey my “essentials-only” approach to life. I've always believed that not only does this make my environment cleaner but it also makes it calmer. My mind feels less cluttered, giving me better headspace to relax, rejuvenate and restart from inside and out.

This lifestyle in embracing simplicity and mindful living is important as an actor with back-to-back schedules, I always try to find the time to relax. However, I’ve figured the best way to wind down is to create an environment that provides an overall positive impact. With our busy lifestyles, realistically, mindful living offers benefits to both the environment and mental health. Somehow they go hand-in-hand.

With this in mind, I mirror this approach to my skincare routine, as I believe that less is more. Instead of cluttering my skincare routine with too many products that might be unnecessary, I've developed a streamlined routine. Sharing my habits for simplistic living through Grail; this is a bigger picture of a longer-lasting impact that I hope to bring to users of the brand.

This is also a reflection of your personal aesthetic, right?

Yes, I like clean, minimalist aesthetics and this is the theme and design of my house’s interior. I call it my sanctuary, which gives me a calm and restful space and environment.

The new packaging reflects this minimalist approach through the neutral colours and clean lines and the shapes used.

Could you talk about Grail's sustainability efforts with Grail?

Besides using glass containers, our Deep Hydration Treatment Mask is also made from biodegradable Bemliese 384 fabric. The packaging is also made from recyclable materials that can be recycled after. It uses fewer materials like the masks, which now come in smaller boxes. Our products are also animal-cruelty free.

What were the challenges in rebranding Grail's look?

The rebranding took a year’s worth of work. Grail’s relaunch was only ready when all the formulations were perfected.

I was present for the logo selections to packaging design and colours, to new product development; I did test samples on my skin in-between shoots... it was tough juggling my time between Grail and my acting. As the products are meticulously formulated with natural ingredients, this delayed the relaunch.

Another challenge was sourcing for the ingredients as we used natural ones of premium quality. With such care that goes into our formulation, rest assured that Grail’s products allow you to enjoy your skincare routine with peace of mind. I personally use all the Grail products in my own routine.

Despite all these challenges, I am of course very grateful to my team, who are always patient with me. We did a great job on making products that I can be very proud of for a brand that is very close to my heart.

Not only is Lawrence Wong the co-founder, he is also a user of Grail.

Are there changes to the ingredients in Grail’s line-up?

Nothing major but we've introduced new ingredients in our latest addition: the Hydrating Dewy Moisturiser.

It contains a newly-patented ingredient, the Hydroplex HHG; it's developed by CLR Berlin, a globally renowned laboratory and skincare ingredient manufacturer. Hygroplex HHG's unique combination of intense hydration, long-lasting effects, non-greasy feel, barrier support and proven efficacy sets it apart from other brands. Unlike some moisturisers that offer only temporary hydration, Hygroplex HHG creates a protective barrier on the skin's surface, preventing moisture loss over an extended period. 

Meanwhile, our Deep Hydration Treatment Mask, Daily SPF++++ and Amino Acid Probiotics Foaming Cleanser, now come in new packaging and underwent improved formulations.

Grail's redesign and updated collection can be found online.
