After watching an episode of Severance, the real fun begins when you scour the Apple TV+ Reddit community. It’s rare for a series to invoke such fervour from its audience, of course, but seriously: Kier could fill a Fifth Appendix with Reddit's abundant fan theories. But that’s the joy of Severance. It’s not just good TV—it’s a damn good mystery.
In my time reading Severance theories this past season, I’ve seen some phenomenal predictions. The r/SeveranceAppleTVPlus users called out that Helly R was Helena Eagan as early as the season 2 premiere. They also correctly guessed that a severed human could become severed multiple times. No colour palette or elevator ding goes unnoticed on Reddit. So, if there’s anywhere to look for potential outcomes in Severance’s season 2 finale, it’s these folks.
Below, we’ve assembled our six favourite theories heading into the finale.
After revealing that Gemma is still alive, the next most-pressing question for Severance fans is what Lumon wants as a company? What is the work, and why is it so mysterious and importance?
Well, Reddit user Freelove_Freeway has some thoughts to share. “I have been thinking about a theory that what they are doing is creating life,” they wrote in the season 2 discussion hub. “The only roadblock they have is being able to separate” the Innies from their outies. “Maybe the Kier god-complex sees the innie consciousness as the better versions,” they theorised. As Kier has said in the past, he seeks to cleanse them of any pain and suffering. The largest hole in the Eagan plot so far has been that the Innies are clearly not beyond pain and suffering.
What did Jame Eagan mean when he said that Helena would one day sit at his revolving? Is that just a fancy metaphor for his death... or his rebirth?
“My thinking is they have chosen Mark to fornicate with Helly to continue the bloodline, which, obviously, has already occurred,” one Reddit user commented. Jame even previously stated that he saw Kier in Mark S, but that may be something that he tells a lot of people!
“iIf you pay attention to her memories on episode 7 it gives the impression that she began to actually enjoy and agree with what Lumon does,” one Reddit user suggests. “In the testing rooms, she obediently responds to all the tests she goes through. I don't know if she’s a Lumon soldier, but I do agree that she somehow left Mark to let go of all the pain she couldn't move on from by herself.”
This theory is probably partially true. While Gemma was potentially kidnapped by Lumon, she did seem interested in their work prior to her “death.” She was also clearly told that she would one day reunite with Mark. I’m sure—just like many who go through the severance procedure to work for Lumon—that they have no idea what evils they'll face before they sign up.
Okay, hear me out on this one. Goat imagery may be everywhere on Severance, but the show has gone to significant lengths to tie the little animals to Ricken. One eagle-eyed Redditor has pieced together the following clues that Ricken is a goat’s Outie. I can’t speak to Severance wilding out this much in the finale, but the theoriser assembled a very convincing set of bullet points:
Is it weird that I hope this is true more than any other theory?
Mr Milchick’s finest moment in episode 9 is when he finally stands up for himself. He eloquently tells his superior, Mr Drummond, to “devour feculence” for reprimanding him about his grandiose vocabulary. Is it the start of Mr Milchick’s rebellion against Lumon?
“It just felt weird that Milchick is called out for using big words, when all of the higher-ranking Lumon folk do exactly the same thing,” one Reddit user pointed out. ”They're telling Milchick that he isn't one of them.” I’m certain every Severance fan wants the best for Mr Milchick. It’s your time, floor supervisor!
In episode 7, Gemma asks why she hasn’t visited the room labeled "Cold Harbor" yet. This is likely because Mark S has yet to finish the file, but it may also point to a new test entirely.
“The underlying theme of the entire show is that love breaks severance,” Reddit user cobainiac3d wrote on the "Season 2 Discussion" hub. “Having Innie Mark choose between his Outie’s love and his Innie’s love would be a true test of efficacy… I think Cold Harbor is Mark's test, not Gemma's."
Whatever craziness Lumon is up to on the testing floor, Severance fans are surely in for a treat this week when the season 2 finale airs on Apple TV+. If you want to have some fun, check back here after the episode to see just how right (or horribly wrong) we all are.