Johnnie Walker Imagines the Future in Dining

Working with three award-winning chefs, Johnnie Walker hosts a six-course dinner celebrating Cure’s 8th anniversary
Published: 7 August 2023

With the way things are going, years down the line, our culinary scene might be transformed out of necessity. Known for its innovation, Johnnie Walker Blue Label collaborated with several forward-thinking chefs about the future of dining. To kick things off, the label got chefs Andrew Walsh (CURE), Mickael Viljanen (Chapter One) and Mark Moriarty (Diageo)to create a menu centred around the theme: "Air. Land. Sea." Here's how it went:

Taking place at CURE, the six-course dinner utilised AI-inspired digital artwork and 2D and 3D animations throughout the evening. Served on a table with projections exploring "sky, ocean and land", the entire endeavour reminds us of Le Petit Chef but this time, it is a more sombre affair.

Diners were proffered the question: what will the future be like in an era of global warming, overfishing and overfarming? What will the dining experience be like when certain ingredients are scarce? With this in mind, alternative elements were used for the dishes served. (Steak was replaced with red-earth cabbage!)

Wild strawberry souffle, violet chartreuse
Cured mackerel, charcoal cream, heirloom tomato and seaweed gelee, buckwheat caviar
Velvet Cloud Yoghurt 2223 with Johnnie Walker Blue Label neat
Quenelles of Pike with its own roe, urchin, wild sorrel, sabayon of smoked eel
Red earth-cabbage, beetroot, chicken fat butter
Celeriac baked in barley, yellow wine butter, hazelnut, manjimup black truffle

The Future in Food

As diners contemplate the import of heirloom ingredients in a shifting industry and environment, the dishes were paired with exclusive Johnnie Walker Blue Label cocktails. While the menu was created solely for the evening's experience, the dessert, Velvet Cloud Yoghurt 2223, along with a Johnnie Walker Blue Label pairing, were made available to the public at CURE… albeit for a limited time.

In a world that's ravaged by corporations' greed, it's a sobering look at how we will eat. Especially, around the time of CURE's 8th anniversary. But it is Chef Andrew Walsh's hope that this menu would cultivate conversation. And that conversation would lead to acts, which would lead to positive change. It is a perfect alignment with Johnnie Walker Blue Label's commitment to sustainability and innovation. One that will be the stepping stone to a better culinary and spirited future.

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