What is Benjamin Khoh Up to?

The socialite reflects on highlights of the past year, his evolving style and what 2024 will bring
Published: 26 January 2024
Benjamin Khoh. JANA TAY

Any takeaways from 2023?

I have learned that taking care of both physical and mental health is crucial. Over the past two years, I have been incredibly focused. I launched my beauty company, TheSkinBrand®, founded Zodiac Bar Singapore, and am now the Deputy Head at High Street Chambers Singapore (law firm)—mostly held under Benjamin Khoh Capital Pte Ltd. Despite my busy schedule, I have managed to take monthly trips this year to unwind, as I thoroughly enjoy traveling. Each journey leaves me mentally rejuvenated. Seoul is my best-kept beauty secret, offering the most advanced treatments for anti-aging and maintenance, while my favorite spa retreat to date is in Bangkok.

How has your style evolved over the years?

Over the years, as I've experimented with different designers and looks, my style has evolved significantly. It reflects the various phases of my life. In the late 2010s, there were seasons when I was obsessed with Rick Owens and Gucci. Dior has always been my muse, and Louis Vuitton remains my all-time favorite. I'm aware that some fashion aficionados might criticize me for being predictable, or even boring, but in my opinion, you just can't go wrong with these classics. Nevertheless, I always love the comfort of wearing sweatpants and hoodies.

Speaking of mental health, tell us all about it.

In my pursuit of spiritual growth, I experience a range of positive energies and emotions, such as gratitude, passion, empathy, and compassion. Occasionally, activities like retail therapy, self-care and simply taking time to do nothing greatly contribute to mental health.

What are you looking most forward to in 2024?

Taking a lot of time off to do whatever makes me feel good, and spending more time with friends and family, along with perhaps introducing some romance into my life, would be interesting.

IG: @Mrbenjaminkhoh

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