Atas Siol! Who or what is STELLAIRE?

There's culture and then there's high culture. STELLAIRE proposes to be the vanguard of the latter. We suss out this platform of curated art events to see what it's all about
Published: 5 January 2024
STELLAIRE celebrates Singapore Art Week at La Dame de Pic.

If the recent event at the Sofitel Sentosa Resort & Spa is anything to go by, I'm woefully out of my element. Camera bulbs flash; people in expensive duds air kiss one another; jazz veteran Alemay Fernandez belts out "Summertime"… the evening reaches a crescendo with a dinner overseen by Chef Yannick Alléno, who has 15 Michelin stars under his belt. To call this evening swanky is an understatement.

Behind the flawless execution of the event is STELLAIRE. The platform that curates "art experiences events" is the brainchild of Harmin Kaur and Michael Lee. Kaur forswore her 15-year career at Goldman Sachs. She is also a Chevalier of the Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne and founded Women Venture Asia, which fosters an "inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem in the region". Lee is the founder of Hustle & Bustle. You might remember the brand agency that brought in Dale Chihuly's art sculptures that were shown at Gardens by the Bay and Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience.

STELLAIRE's co-founders, Harmin Kaur and Michael Lee

The company wants to "craft and curate exceptional moments in the world of high culture". This affair is where they hope to connect people with "exclusive access to legendary artists and performances, culinary masters, musical prodigies, high fashion creatives and innovators".

If you parse through the jargon and marketing-speak, at the heart are people trying to administer the best that the art and culture world can offer. It might seem out of the realm for common folks. But they are also trying to do good with what they know. The aforementioned shindig at Sofitel Sentosa Resort & Spa? There was a charity auction attached to it. Aside from the exquisite dining experience and entertainment, money was raised. All proceeds go to the Community Chest and the Association Antoine Alléno, a foundation to help victims and their families with moral, psychological and financial support. The charity was set up by Chef Alléno after his son was killed in a hit-and-run accident.

Chef Yannick Alléno, Chef-Owner, Pavillon Ledoyen

That evening's tally? A total of SGD43,038 was raised for the charities. The amount cements STELLAIRE's presence in the realm of making meaningful social impact, on top of hosting a dinner to remember.

To stay abreast of STELLAIRE's upcoming events, subscribe to their newsletter (

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