The once-delayed sci-fi film, Mickey 17, has shown proof of life with a trailer. Directed and co-written by Bong Joon-ho, Mickey 17 is adapted from Mickey7 by Edward Ashton (which is a great book, by the way) and the film follows the titular Mickey (played by Robert Pattinson), who signed on as an expendable (no, not as a member of that Stallone's ensemble action thriller) to work on the ice planet, Niflheim. As an expendable, Mickey is tasked with all the dangerous jobs—if he dies, a new body of his regenerates with his old memories.

Things come to head when the latest version of Mickey realised that his older clone is still alive. Given the limited resources on an alien planet, it's a huge problem when there's an extra body means that food and oxygen will be depleted much faster. With Robert Pattinson as the lead, we weren't disappointed that his character speaks with the confidence of a resigned death-row inmate. While, the voice may be startling at first, it's kinda perfect for this pushover of a character; one who gives himself over to being killed multiple times.

Previous films deal with the main character dying over and again like Groundhog Day and Edge of Tomorrow but with Bong at the helm, Mickey 17 looks like another feather in his cap. What's not to love with Mickey dying over and over again to the tune of Dean Martin's "Ain't That a Kick in the Head"? Also, given that this is a Bong project, you can expect a good amount of dark humour with the real-life crisis of the exploitation of human labour and... I dunno, fracking. Maybe?

Bong has directed a previous English sci-fi film, Snowpiercer, and the Oscar-winning Parasite. For Mickey 17, the rest of the cast looks exceptional, thanks to actors like Naomi Ackie (Star Wars: Episode IX), Steven Yeun (Nope), Toni Collette (Hereditary) and Mark Ruffalo (Avengers). Mickey 17 is expected to be released next year, 31 January.
