Blazer and shirt, SAINT LAURENT. Ring and brooch, CHAUMET. Earrings worn throughout, Yugyeom’s own

Yugyeom is partial to one tattoo. A dandelion etched in a geometric pattern on his right rib, it’s one of possibly nine tattoos that adorn his body. The dandelion stems from a specific childhood memory: walking beneath an underpass, he had spotted a delicate flower sprouting between bricks—a fond colour standing out in an unlikely place.

Enthralled by the flower’s strength despite its fragile appearance, he saw it as a symbol of resilience, especially when he also quickly discovered its fascinating ability to disperse its seeds in the wind. Unsurprisingly, it formed the title of his very first mixtape.

Since then, his life has been anything but slow. Amid 2024 adventures, the first stop in his TRUSTY tour was Singapore. Prior to our chat, the then-27-year-old singer had landed in the city the night before, shot an early AM video with Vogue Singapore, recorded a local radio interview, and spent the late afternoon at a full editorial spread with us.

I’m not sure if lunch was in there somewhere, but he was slated for yet another shoot later that evening before his show the next day. I’m exhausted simply mentally recounting the programme, and can much less imagine living it.

Coat, MCM. Shirt, TOD’S. Necklace, BOUCHERON

Typical to most folk accustomed to life in front of the camera though, if he was feeling any fatigue, he surely didn’t show it. This visit might be a little more rushed than what his schedule usually accommodates, but when it’s go time, it’s go time.

The K-pop artist stepped into the spotlight with ease, adopting a casual peace as the setup was perfected. Then, upon cue, he switched on a professional charisma that’s so ingrained, it felt less like a mask and more like second nature.

It’s what you’d expect from someone who has spent his adolescence training for and today possesses a decade’s worth of industry experience under his belt. He was unfazed by the echoing awes (there were many) from the crowded crew almost voyeuristically observing his every pose. Wholly focused, yet not missing a beat taking direction from the photographer.

It was just as fun spectating, post-shoot, as the photographer and stylist debated which shots made the final cut. There were too many good ones—a happy problem that’s not as common as you might think, even when including proper models and other field veterans. So picture it, dear reader, the photos you’re seeing are but a sampling of what was captured that day.

Top, GIVENCHY. Trousers and blazer, LOUIS VUITTON. Necklace and ring, TIFFANY & CO.

What remains most impressive about his social stamina was his sincerity during the conversation. While not fully fluent in the language, Yugyeom made keen effort to pepper words, or at least begin his sentences, in English.

Bright, Spirited, Dandelion

Fans from the start would know that his musicality has changed considerably. After signing with AOMG, he embraced a deeper, edgier aesthetic in establishing himself as a solo act, complete with emo lyrics.

His latest album practically does a 180. It’s a bubblegum beat of catchy hooks and matching visuals. If anything, the vibrant approach genuinely mirrors his energy. Or as he succinctly summed it in four words and a huge grin, “Today’s style, enjoy more.”

In our bilaterally monolingual communication, his attention was unwavering. He read reactions and upheld eye contact, even though he didn’t need to with the translation provided by his staff. Present enough to amusedly tease a verbal quirk I hadn’t myself noticed before.

It’s not hard to believe that this authenticity is shaped by youth. As a kid, his dream to be a dancer was so resounding it inadvertently conveyed as confidence. From dancing through lunchtime, getting older boys to practice together, joining school trip talent shows to eventually getting scouted at dance tournaments.

Even when he hit a slump, where he and BamBam were initially excluded from debut plans, he managed to catch his break after a chance on a reality TV survival contest. Wouldn’t it, at age 16, be immense pressure to perform like your future depended on it? Needless to say, he did ok.

“I didn’t feel as much pressure then, because it was a burden collectively shared with fellow GOT7 bandmates,” he recounted in Korean, “Even now, it’s not the pressure [maintaining a solo career] because it’s what I chose to do, but that I’m very aware of my weaknesses and what I need to work on.

“Because I know,” he used emphatic English as a caricature of himself, or at least his attitude towards his work, “More detail, detail, detail!” Now, his priority is closing the gap between where he currently is and wants to be. He finds himself a little closer now.

Resilient, Determined, Dandelion

If he had to attribute success between luck and hard work, it would be 30 per cent the former and 70 the latter. “My strongest belief is that consistency equals result and improvement,” he explained his drive, “Repetition is tedious, and it’s what people find most challenging, but it’s one of the most important things.”

Cardigan, sweater, trousers and belt, PRADA. Bracelet and rings, BOUCHERON

Practising his craft was effortless when fuelled by pure passion. Now that it’s an occupation, he understands there’s much more to it than that. Maturity turned his frequent wondering about the greener pastures of normal student life into gratitude towards his given position. “I’m lucky enough to enjoy the part that most don’t,” he said, acknowledging his blessings.

You get the sense that under all that sunshine is a closet perfectionist. Though this year marks the 10th in this gig, Yugyeom doesn’t count the same duration fulfilled for his singing capabilities. He may have written his first song at 19, but his devotion to singing only sparked two years later.

There is no frivolous toe-dipping in any endeavour. He only considers it a pursuit when he’s very much invested, a dedication that similarly applies to hobbies like boxing. I mean, for someone who has only ever travelled for work, his concept of an ideal vacation is to chill at home or with friends over drinks.

He’s not sure where he inherited this ethic from but spoke of how his parents regularly instil the value of humility. “My name too,” he earnestly pointed out, “겸 (gyeom) means humble.” For those curious, 유 (yu) translates to have or own. In other words, his parents quite literally wanted him to get humble.

Sweater, trousers and belt, FERRAGAMO. Ring, BOUCHERON

It certainly paid off. He went from being portioned the smallest parts in his early boyband days to finally singing the main chorus. Since the moment he was inspired by Chris Brown at the Grammys to decide to be more than a dancer, Yugyeom has been hitting all the milestones he set for himself.

Looking ahead, there’s a ton he wants to embark on, but growth is ultimately the goal. It’s the motivation to explore new genres and expand his horizons. “It’s something I’m very mindful of. There are artists I look up to who are always evolving,” he explained in native tongue. “I like to keep my fans interested and engage with audiences who may not be familiar with my work; to leave them all guessing my next step.”

With every song, there is no singular message that he is trying to express. Only the core sentiment that each succeeding one demonstrates growth to his fans, his staff and those who choose to surround him. It’s his way of reciprocating the love and support he has been receiving along this journey.

His beam barely ever left his face as he was telling us this. It was like watching a wild dandelion sway; rooted firmly in the ground but ready, at any moment, to ascend into the wind.

Denim jacket and wrap skirt, KENZO. Bracelets, CHAUMET

Photography: Shawn Paul Tan
Creative Direction and Styling: Asri Jasman
Hair: Christvian Wu using GOLDWELL
Make-Up: Kenneth Chia using JUNGSAEMMOOL BEAUTY
Photography Assistants: Chay Wei Kang and Xie Feng Mao
Styling Assistant: Erica Zheng
Talent Management: AOMG
